Apply online to initiate your own WindTunneling Project
…to Support Your Organization as it Gathers and Develops the Collective Wisdom of Diverse Participants and Stakeholders
Do you know all you wish you could know?
Apply Online
Tell us (in box below) about the challenge(s) you’re facing. It will help us if you include some of these points:
• What are the main issues?
• What is the scope of the issue before you?
• Who are the various players or groups involved?
• About how many participants would you like to include?
WindTunneling is a powerful tool and needs to be designed and implemented with care by certified facilitators. The total project cost includes a $500 WindTunneling license fee (for up to 60 participants) plus design/consulting fees based on the complexity and scope of the project.
We work three ways and each has a different cost structure. Variations in design and support exist so it is difficult to give specifics until we know more about your needs.
1. Our WindTunneling team works with you directly to understand and then design and manage a project for you.
2. We invite people from your organization to become certified facilitators and you buy projects from us directly. Projects are $500 for up to 60 participants. Bulk discounts on an annual bases drop this cost significantly. Non-profit discounts are available. Special prices available to projects conducted by facilitators in Developing Countries.
3. You contract with one of the certified facilitators in our Collaborative Network and work out your own relationships and costs. The facilitator secures the necessary project licenses from us.